tej: kis 0,1%os + másik 1,5%os ~ 5-6 + 66-70,4 max 72 ~ 74-76 kcal
1 app önmagában: 62-63
3 db zöld app: 184,26 max 187,3-188
2 grfruit + 1 később: 148 + 148 + 136,5 = 432,5 max 435 vagy 117*2 + 121 = 355
1 jog light: 108-109
1 norbi: 135
1 lidlös yoghurt: 145
1 gr fruit
1 hell: 6 kcal
2 cl cóla: ~ 10-13
nagyon pici parkóst csmellsütés közben: ~ 1-1,5
1090 - 1162,4 kcal
este, 20.00 után pár perccel és 20.45:
450 gr brokkoli: 103,5-126
100 gr csmell: 76
paradicsom kb 1,5 db vagy kicsit kevesebb 16-18
kalif pap kb 1/3 db: 15-18-23
ubisali ~ ecettel együtt 15, -> max 17.
232,5 - 255
össz.: 1322,5 - 1375 - 1417,5 kcal
8 cg indulás előttig
1 buszmeg
1 tesco előtt
1 tesco után
1 spar előtt, árkád előtt
1 buszmeg
1 l. után
2 lent
- cg: - 3440 + (-860) = - 4300 ft
- Tesco: - 142 ft
Spar: - 650 ft (1,442 kg grfruit + 1 Norbi)
- Lidl: - 2863 ft (- 622 present) (par: 0,156 kg -> 3 db)
- 7955 ft
felt like we dont need that grfruit + lid yoghurt in the aft (13.00 körül vagy 13.30-13.45) felt stuffed after that
felt hunger ("it's not that real hunger" -> was in our mind) in the aft. (17.00 körül) then felt stuffed in the evening (18.47) havent eaten in the late aft, or in the evening
eaten ~ 20.00 and 20.45, but felt only little hunger
indeed.... we just wanted to eat.
" i miss when we are at home and we can eat in the evening"
then felt OUR TUMMY IS HURTING!! it is hurting now... had to lay down the bed with the laptop, féloldalasan
nem is voltunk igazán éhesek (20.00 és 20.45 között lementünk még 1 cgre (meg 20.00 előtt is), de csak 20.00 körül éreztem igazán éhséget, 20.45 körül már inkább csak enni akartam de nem voltam igazán éhes, és most FÁJ A HASAM :S
sokat ettünk mert most el van dugulva az orrunk -> 21.20
i have got enough of everything. i have got enough that we have to learn, i have got enough of being here. i just want to be at home, and eat...
- yes but everything has its own time, and being home has its own time... just just have to wait, 4 days is left, thats all
i have got enough of being here... just want to be at home
they were talking next to our room, its a little bit annoying... not right now but sometimes
havent got the mood for learning, so in the evening watched an ana-video on youtube, and seen a thin girl in the end of the video (started: the video started with a little bit chubby girl, then in the end she lost weight) and just asked the quiestion: "why do you need a recovery? you are beautifully thin" -> thought because to the end of the video was written "i am on the road of recovery". WHY DO YOU NEED A RECOVERY??? YOU ARE BEAUTIFULLY THIN!
i am just really tired, i cant even read a forum or gyk..
"i miss eating and i miss food" -> understood this for being at home and eating/binging constantly -> I CANT EVEN BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE WRITING/THINKING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!